‭+41 61 508 24 83



Crop family: cucurbitaceae

Crop: winter squash

Segment: butternut ,

Production cycle: Medium,

Seed-type: Hybrid

  • Technical description: SCU0AC43 is a hybrid butternut with large size and nice, orange flesh. SCU0AC43 matures in approximately 90 days. It has a thicker and longer neck, it is larger than the popular variety Avalon and a good fit for someone looking for a larger fresh market variety. The uniformly shaped fruit have a strong, attractive tan rind. The flesh is a bright orange, high in dry matter and sweet. Size: 20 x 8.9 cm (8 x 3.5 in), 2.7 kg (6 lbs) Attributes: Large attractive fruit, highly productive, fine flesh
  • days: Maturity: 90 days

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