‭+41 61 508 24 83



Crop family: cucurbitaceae

Crop: watermelon

Segment: grey bell round ,

Production cycle: Medium,

Seed-type: Hybrid

  • Color: LIGHT GREEN
  • Technical description: SCU0AC44 is a new hybrid Perola type. The productivity and uniformity is superior to other hybrids in its class. The flesh is bright red and has small brown seeds. The flesh/rind boundary is well defined and the eating quality is excellent. SCU0AC44 is sure to please everyone! Size 7 kg (15.5 lbs.), 29.21 x 26.67 cm (11.5 x 10.5”)
  • Unique: Commercial positioning: 1. West Africa 2. Mali 3. Algeria 4.
  • Competition: null

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