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Crop family: cucurbitaceae

Crop: watermelon

Segment: kaolack ,

Seed-type: Open Pollinated

  • Technical description: Kaolak sweet Watermelon is a variety with good fruit setting ability. Fruits of Koalak are round in shape with an average fruit weight of 5-6 kg. The watermelon has a light green skin colour with dark green patterns. This melon is even prettier on the inside, with exceptionally deep red flesh that’s sweet and luscious. The watermelon has a good transport and keeping qualities. Kaolak vines need room to grow, spreading up to 3 meters. Fruits are round shaped and Light green skin colour, finely medium green striped. Average weight: 5 to 6 kg. FLESH is Smooth, 10 -11 MATURITY DAYS. 80-85 days from transplant to harvest.

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