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Blonde de Paris

Blonde de Paris

Crop family: compositae

Crop: lettuce

Segment: iceberg-crisphead ,

Seed-type: Open Pollinated

  • Technical description: Batavia lettuce 'Blonde de Paris' has crispy, sweet leaves. This easy-to-grow variety is a type between regular and iceberg lettuce. It is also suitable for cultivation as baby leaves. Batavia lettuce Blonde de Paris has very crispy and sweet leaves. It is a type in between regular butterhead and iceberg lettuce. The leaves are comparable to those of the Batavia lettuce. The growing period of iceberg lettuce is two weeks longer than the other lettuce varieties. For an iceberg lettuce, Blonde de Paris has a short growing period, and it is therefore important to transplant early. If you would like to eat lettuce each week, you have to sow/plant regularly. When you put a part of the lettuce close to each other and if you harvest a little earlier than normal, you could suffice with one sowing per three to four weeks.

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