‭+41 61 508 24 83



Crop family: cucurbitaceae

Crop: cucumber

Segment: long dutch (pgh) ,

Production cycle: Spring/Autumn,

Seed-type: Hybrid

  • Color: DARK GREEN
  • Technical description: Segment: Long cucumber; Plant habit: medium vigor, open plant with medium leaves, strong and generative regrowth; Fruit shape: long cylindrical, uniform, slightly striated; Medium-sized fruits, with light neck, very good color and ribbed. maintains the shape and quality throughout the crop Production rate: high, excellent quality; Resistance HR: PM, Ccu, CVYV, CYSDV; Resistance IR: CMV, Cca; Use: fresh consumption; Weaknesses: It is not a very strong plant, when it has many fruits at the same time, it can suffer stress
  • Unique: Commercial positioning: 1. South Africa 2. Zimbabwe 3. Mali Unique selling points: High value market
  • Competition: Summer:PraderaRZ;Autumn:ManglarRZ;Spring: Estrada

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