‭+41 61 508 24 83



Crop family: solanaceae

Crop: tomato determinate

Segment: dual purpose ,

Production cycle: Late, Medium,

Seed-type: Hybrid

  • Color: RED
  • Technical description: It is a first-generation hybrid suitable for canning. High fruit setting rate,. Uniform fruit. High lycopene content, Good flesh color. Good adaptability, concentrated harvest window when it is maturity, suitable for machine harvesting, high yield. Good storability in the field. Under suitable conditions of fertilizer and water, the yield per Ha can reach 135 to 150 tons.
  • Unique: Commercial positioning: 1. South Africa 2. Algeria 3. Tunisia Unique selling points: TSWV resistance
  • Intermediate resistance (IR): Passalora fulva (ex Fulvia fulva) /2022 Leaf mold Pf (ex Ff), Tomato spotted wilt virus Tomato spotted wilt TSWV, Verticillium albo-atrum Verticillium wilt Va,

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